Sunday, August 8, 2010

Ass-hat Drivers

Ready? Oh Kay.
Hello, and welcome to my mind.
I probably don't like you, or care what you think.
Please feel free to keep your opinion to yourself.

I can't stand stupid people.
I REALLY can't stand stupid drivers.

Once upon a time I was driving in the fast lane.
My car was traveling fast .
All of a sudden I have some fuck-stain on my ass.
He was close enough to lick my tail light.
Totally NOT ok.
There was traffic all around so no room for Mr. I-Wanna-Touch-Bumpers to pass me.
So I do what any slightly psychotic person would do.
I slowed down to about half my speed, in less than 10 seconds.
Mr. Ass-Raping-My-Tailpipe behind me slammed on his breaks and dropped his StarBucks.
Awww. Now I felt bad.
I made him drop his Mocha-Choka-Ona-Cocka all over his purty little Lexus.

Now I look in my rearview and he is RAGING.
He is Mel Gibson pissed.
I seriously thought that his head was gonna start doing 360's.
I thought to myself that this was one HELL of a kinipteurysm.

This is just one kinipteurysm of more than a million that I have either had or given someone.
I'll be back to post more soon!

1 comment:

moofahsuh said...

yur a good word maker-uper